Hudson strums his small guitar and sings, "Jesus is taking my meanness away..." several times in his sweet, little boy voice. Such an innocent heart. This is the same little boy, who has once owned a pair of red overalls and can have a mop of blond hair when it's not trimmed (sound familiar?), who attempted to cut the electric cord of my computer plugged into the outlet with his preschool scissors. Who climbed over the fence, barely at the age of three, and rang the front doorbell when I was in the kitchen working (I can't keep my eye off him for a moment!). Who climbed on top of our dresser to get coins out of Daddy's bowl for his piggy bank. Who put baby Sayde's nose bulb into his own nose to try it out. Who sprayed the bathroom sink faucet all over, into the hallway in puddles...and is now potty trained! We are so proud of our son and we love his adventurous spirit. He will do great things in his life.
Annalise has also been so helpful with the other two. We often remind her to not be so bossy or to tattle on Hudson, but she is the one who alerted me to the danger before he could cut the computer cord. She is such a smart young lady and she says the neatest, funniest things.
I feel so blessed at this time. My closest friend right now is a 3 month old baby girl named Sayde. I am never lonely, and not only me but the whole family loves and adores her. I have so much to be thankful for. One is that I have a smart, wise husband who loves having babies with me and loves his own kids.
Annalise turns 5 years old! |
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