Saturday, July 8, 2017

In One Year

Last year we decided to put Annalise and Hudson in public school after Gabriella's birth, they went into the 2nd and 1st grades at our neighborhood school and did great! Sayde and Gabriella enjoyed the extra time to me all to themselves.  It's been so long since I made time to write a post that the last time I wrote we were still homeschooling. Rochester is a homeschool friendly community from what I've heard, and I know we could always go back to that from what I've been told, but also feel like it would be unfair to bring them back and forth, changing our minds every year.  We are lucky and blessed to have a good school district and neighborhood school. It was still busy. I felt like they needed more friends and teachers than just me. They adjusted so well. Annalise did extra well in nearly everything, especially math. Hudson grew in his reading and writing skills.

We have recently celebrated some birthdays and events. Jeremy turned 41 and caught up to me again. Hudson turned 7 and has matured in so many ways. I went into his bedroom to tell him goodnight and found him reading a book in his bed as usual...he had his new superman baseball cap on and was reading Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You book about manners. What a little man!

Gabriella, who we call "Gabs" fairly often now, is 11 months old and is fully walking and toddling all around our house, and outside, and saying "mama" all the time as she coos and hums so sweetly. She gives hugs and is so affectionate. She is also a sensitive little one. When we have told her "no-no" to something she's getting into or climbing up on she cries, so we turned it into a little song to make it sound less scary but I think she still catches the reprimand. She's an adventurous little girl and I'm so blessed to be her mama.

I think I kind of did an unintended social media fast, not because I really wanted or needed to but simply because I can't keep up with that with four kiddos age 8 and under! Now that it is summer they are in and out of the house constantly and playing so hard. It may be awhile before I can catch up again with all the sites that my friends and family use so often. I'm not going to push myself to hard. I just want to enjoy and cherish my family and friendship relationships in a more real way.

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